Saturday, August 10, 2024


I'm receiving a word from God, and feel it important to share with everyone. I don't have specifics yet, but God is clearly sending a warning.

An internet personality I like was recently exposed for some things, and I had found the forum KiwiFarms talking about it. I've been lurking on there to get updates on the situation. However, as the days started to go by, I found myself feeling sicker when/after using the website. I would describe it as "slight stomach pain, light nausea". While the possibility always exists that this was a sign of some kind, I dismissed it at the time as a random coincidence. Or, if there was any correlation, it was probably just me getting bogged down a bit by all the drama going on, just like watching the news and seeing all the negative headlines. Right?

Before I continue, I need to clarify that I'm not schizophrenic. I've been going to therapy for several years for some emotional disorders I have, and every mental health professional I've ever talked to has agreed that I don't have schizophrenia - that my views on spirituality and religion are consistent and based in reasonable human logic.

So then, I took a short break from the site, but decided to go back. Today, it hit a serious point. I began to feel seriously nauseous, almost vomiting. Once again, it happened when I was browsing that website. At this point, it became clear it wasn't a coincidence. Either it was the negativity of the drama getting to my depression, or it was a sign from God. I began to feel a conviction, but people feel things all the time, don't they? I wasn't certain, so I decided to try something.

I promised God that I would stop using that website if that was what He really was trying to tell me.

Immediately, I began to feel better. We're talking instantaneous. Less than a nanosecond. I doubted myself in my mind, but I stood firm and said, "No, if God wants me to stop going there, and if it'll make me stop feeling so sick, I'll stop." The very instant after I made the decision, it started to clear up significantly.

The fact that it was so immediate tells me this is in fact spiritual somehow. If it were just a matter of "going outside and touching grass" or something, I feel like it would happen progressively over minutes or hours, not in a single instant, and not immediately after making a promise to God. If it were all purely psychological and if God didn't exist or have a hand in this matter, I may have still felt a tiny bit better, as a psychosomatic response to a perceived sense of comfort, but it wouldn't have completely and instantaneously erased whatever was making my sickness worse. It would have persisted afterward because the cause would be something else, like a stomach virus or something like that. It's definitely God.

So, then, what do we make of all this?
Unfortunately, I'm not totally certain.
It hasn't been made 100% clear to me.

The impression I've been getting, though I have no concrete proof of it (yet), is that the reason God wants me to stay away from the site is because of some sense of danger, as if He's protecting me from something. I've also had the thought that maybe God is just calling me personally away from the site, and everybody else is still free to use it, but ... and I admit it's just a feeling, but I don't feel like it's personal to me. It's a feeling of wider urgency. My personal conclusion/belief about all this is that something is wrong over at KiwiFarms, and they're not doing their due diligence to stop it, and God is soon going to bring down some sort of punishment for it. Perhaps God has given them a certain command and they haven't followed through on it. Perhaps it's the lack of scrutiny they have regarding things like racism and homophobia. Even though you can easily find people claiming to be Christians who also espouse things like racism/homophobia/etc, these things are wholly incompatible with each other. See [parable of the good Samaritan], [Leviticus 19:33-34], etc. and the website does almost nothing to combat this blatant hate speech. This could very well be the problem and it makes sense to me, but I cannot say for certain. He has not specifically told me so.

I need to emphasize that I don't have any personal grudge or ill will toward KiwiFarms or its users. I may disagree with them on certain things, but at the same time, I wholeheartedly applaud their efforts to expose criminal acts that the mainstream media refuses to cover. I'm completely certain God approves of that, too. And yes, it is wrong that the media unfairly slanders and stereotypes you, but at the same time, it seems something is very wrong there, and God is tired of waiting, and is beginning to call people away from it. The overall feeling I get about the situation is akin to when I'm reading about Babylon, or about Sodom and Gomorrah, or something like that. "Come out of her, My people", etc.

So I would ask the users of KiwiFarms to do some self-reflection and see what needs to be changed. I honestly don't know what it is, but it is something, and apparently it's something very serious and requires the utmost urgency. If I don't know what it is, then I suspect there's no need to even mention what it is - they already know what the problem is and are just refusing to address it. In fact, it's just a feeling again, but it may be too late already. The punishment may have already been decided. But just in case that feeling is wrong (which feelings can be, of course) I want to put this out there, as there may still be time to fix this problem, and repent. At the same time, I can't post this on the website itself because God doesn't want me to go back, even just to make a single post... but He definitely wanted me to say something publicly.

Please approach this with the respect it deserves. I myself am nothing but a random idiot on the internet, undeserving of any respect, but the message is coming from an omnipotent deity, the Lord and the creator of the universe.