Saturday, August 10, 2024


I'm receiving a word from God, and feel it important to share with everyone. I don't have specifics yet, but God is clearly sending a warning.

An internet personality I like was recently exposed for some things, and I had found the forum KiwiFarms talking about it. I've been lurking on there to get updates on the situation. However, as the days started to go by, I found myself feeling sicker when/after using the website. I would describe it as "slight stomach pain, light nausea". While the possibility always exists that this was a sign of some kind, I dismissed it at the time as a random coincidence. Or, if there was any correlation, it was probably just me getting bogged down a bit by all the drama going on, just like watching the news and seeing all the negative headlines. Right?

Before I continue, I need to clarify that I'm not schizophrenic. I've been going to therapy for several years for some emotional disorders I have, and every mental health professional I've ever talked to has agreed that I don't have schizophrenia - that my views on spirituality and religion are consistent and based in reasonable human logic.

So then, I took a short break from the site, but decided to go back. Today, it hit a serious point. I began to feel seriously nauseous, almost vomiting. Once again, it happened when I was browsing that website. At this point, it became clear it wasn't a coincidence. Either it was the negativity of the drama getting to my depression, or it was a sign from God. I began to feel a conviction, but people feel things all the time, don't they? I wasn't certain, so I decided to try something.

I promised God that I would stop using that website if that was what He really was trying to tell me.

Immediately, I began to feel better. We're talking instantaneous. Less than a nanosecond. I doubted myself in my mind, but I stood firm and said, "No, if God wants me to stop going there, and if it'll make me stop feeling so sick, I'll stop." The very instant after I made the decision, it started to clear up significantly.

The fact that it was so immediate tells me this is in fact spiritual somehow. If it were just a matter of "going outside and touching grass" or something, I feel like it would happen progressively over minutes or hours, not in a single instant, and not immediately after making a promise to God. If it were all purely psychological and if God didn't exist or have a hand in this matter, I may have still felt a tiny bit better, as a psychosomatic response to a perceived sense of comfort, but it wouldn't have completely and instantaneously erased whatever was making my sickness worse. It would have persisted afterward because the cause would be something else, like a stomach virus or something like that. It's definitely God.

So, then, what do we make of all this?
Unfortunately, I'm not totally certain.
It hasn't been made 100% clear to me.

The impression I've been getting, though I have no concrete proof of it (yet), is that the reason God wants me to stay away from the site is because of some sense of danger, as if He's protecting me from something. I've also had the thought that maybe God is just calling me personally away from the site, and everybody else is still free to use it, but ... and I admit it's just a feeling, but I don't feel like it's personal to me. It's a feeling of wider urgency. My personal conclusion/belief about all this is that something is wrong over at KiwiFarms, and they're not doing their due diligence to stop it, and God is soon going to bring down some sort of punishment for it. Perhaps God has given them a certain command and they haven't followed through on it. Perhaps it's the lack of scrutiny they have regarding things like racism and homophobia. Even though you can easily find people claiming to be Christians who also espouse things like racism/homophobia/etc, these things are wholly incompatible with each other. See [parable of the good Samaritan], [Leviticus 19:33-34], etc. and the website does almost nothing to combat this blatant hate speech. This could very well be the problem and it makes sense to me, but I cannot say for certain. He has not specifically told me so.

I need to emphasize that I don't have any personal grudge or ill will toward KiwiFarms or its users. I may disagree with them on certain things, but at the same time, I wholeheartedly applaud their efforts to expose criminal acts that the mainstream media refuses to cover. I'm completely certain God approves of that, too. And yes, it is wrong that the media unfairly slanders and stereotypes you, but at the same time, it seems something is very wrong there, and God is tired of waiting, and is beginning to call people away from it. The overall feeling I get about the situation is akin to when I'm reading about Babylon, or about Sodom and Gomorrah, or something like that. "Come out of her, My people", etc.

So I would ask the users of KiwiFarms to do some self-reflection and see what needs to be changed. I honestly don't know what it is, but it is something, and apparently it's something very serious and requires the utmost urgency. If I don't know what it is, then I suspect there's no need to even mention what it is - they already know what the problem is and are just refusing to address it. In fact, it's just a feeling again, but it may be too late already. The punishment may have already been decided. But just in case that feeling is wrong (which feelings can be, of course) I want to put this out there, as there may still be time to fix this problem, and repent. At the same time, I can't post this on the website itself because God doesn't want me to go back, even just to make a single post... but He definitely wanted me to say something publicly.

Please approach this with the respect it deserves. I myself am nothing but a random idiot on the internet, undeserving of any respect, but the message is coming from an omnipotent deity, the Lord and the creator of the universe.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Discussing the Unblack Community

I believe a lot of the reason unblack metal discourse is so mid-tier is because we get so many artists who are lost in personal pride. Uncountable are the artists I've seen who believe they're above all the allegedly "mediocre slop" the scene puts out, despite a majority of it being pretty great. The good quality bands we've had, they claim, are just so few and far between. They seem to view themselves as mini saviors, brave warriors reclaiming the scene from the subpar ramblings of everyone else in the scene.

This view is disgusting and factually wrong for a few reasons.

1) The scene is not mediocre. The idea that unblack metal sucks is a stereotype based solely on word of mouth, NOT on research of the scene. Remember that I [run Unblack Archives] with 900+ pages documenting this scene. If anybody is qualified to talk about this, it's me, and I don't say this out of pride, but out of observation. How many of you reading this have asked me questions like, "Can you name good unblack bands?" or, "Can you name any Christian bands that sound like (insert well-known secular band here)?" These are alarmingly simple questions. I'm not denying that there are mediocre projects in the scene, but the amount of them is trivial compared to this ridiculous stereotype that we can't seem to shake, even from amongst our own kind. 

To give examples is almost an exercise in futility because every person who mentions this tries to move the goalposts of what "good" is. Let's break this down a bit anyway, and give a couple examples along the way. There are those who claim the scene is full of raw bedroom garbage. This ignores VERY high-quality bands like [Dominus Dominantium], [Dawnbreaker], or [Exortta].

There are those who also claim the scene is full of squeaky-clean mainstream-friendly music and there's nothing raw, underground, or with real emotion. On a side note, how can both of these things be? How can the scene both lack raw music, and at the same time, have too much of it? It just shows how lazy and uninformed this perspective is. Here's a list I copy/pasted from Unblack Archives showing a ton of raw bands: Raecylahk, Usvart Gjennopvåkning, Rising Hour, Bloedoffer, Son of David, Unblasphemy (Swe/Ru), Maccadeshkem, Darkaliel, Ira Divina, Dynamon Dark, Ancient Fortress (NZ), Envothril, Catholic Soldier, Malak (Ger), Emperador, Fire Throne, Katumus, Arctic Grail, Gyr, Eufrattes, Docile Servant, Anti Katholisch, Calvarium, Hemathohidrosis, Rito perpetuo, In Aeternum Mortis, Spirit Sacrifice, Bezalel... Remember though, there are no bands like this.

Then, there are those who claim the scene is full of copycats. There is no original material in the unblack scene; it's all just mediocre Christian bands copying better secular bands. This, too, is easily disproven: [Improthrone], [Flaskavsae], [Display of Agony], [Yze], [Betheos Abshalom], [Auralian Disharmony], [Vibrant Life], need I go on? Full disclosure notice, I am affiliated with a few of the bands in these lists. (For example, Vibrant Life was my own project; stuff from "anpentaprod" is released through my record label; etc.)

2) It puts down other artists. The scene is full of talent, as demonstrated above. To deny that the scene has good music coming out of it, and/or that it needs its hand held by more talented musicians while the children step aside and play with their toys, is to essentially slander other people. Why? There's no benefit to this. The scene's biggest problem, by far, is a lack of reach/promotion. So much talent exists here, but it never reaches a wider audience for whatever reason. These artists are already demotivated as their hard work is put aside and ignored, and it has no impact. Then, their hard work is painted with broad, negative strokes by others who are supposed to be their comrades. What motivation is there, then? Remember that while Christians, these people aren't perfect. The mere fact that it's "good work for the kingdom" should be enough of a motivator, but these are people experiencing normal human emotions. Sadness and doubt are a fundamental part of earthly life. Why make it worse?

3) Their own music is often mediocre. I'm not going to give examples, to avoid hurting feelings, but it is an obvious pattern I've noticed over time. It's an inflated sense of self. They believe their music to be revolutionary, and hype it up as the next big thing. They finally publish the music, and it's the exact same thing they're criticizing, whether it's played in a sloppy way, or it's derivative of secular bands with no originality, or it's composed in a boring way, etc. It's to the point that I feel confident saying if you do actually find a band that isn't necessarily "terrible", just "average/inoffensive", chances are good that that band isn't full of well-meaning but "goofy" "fundamentalists" or something, but rather is actually one of those criticizing the scene for being so subpar.

4) It contradicts the purpose of the music. The point of unblack metal is fundamentally spiritual. It is even more so than the majority of secular black metal which claims to be spiritual, but is actually plagued with posers, lukewarm clowns, and grifters. While the unblack scene [does unfortunately allow] some of these people, it's overall tolerated MUCH less. There is a reasonable expectation that one is actually Christian, not merely posturing, because our path is one we don't just sing about, but live daily, in our actions and minds and souls. The path set out by Christ is one of devotion and of humility. The reason one makes unblack metal should always be to serve the Lord in some way. Some is made to affirm existing believers; some is made specifically to evangelize to those on the outside; some is made as a reflection of personal thoughts to God, be it praise, calls for help, love, sadness, the list goes on. It is all made with God in mind, first and foremost. To position oneself as a more talented artist and to position other believers as inadequate is to act in the sin of pride. How can one make music for the Lord while one's heart rests not with Him, but with one's own talent and superiority? The object of worship is, then, not God, but oneself. The goal becomes not to praise God, nor to show His love to the lost, but rather to receive accolades, money, and fame for oneself, attempting to reduce the living God to a mere tool one can use to advance one's own career. Can such music even be called "unblack" at that point? Are the people doing this even Christians, or are they lukewarm servants of two masters?

Let's put this dangerous mindset aside and consider what our real motives are. Let's do better and serve the Lord anew. ........... While we're at it, let's please please please please please please please finally stop stereotyping the unblack scene. It's lazy, it's objectively wrong, it's slanderous, it's demotivating, it's harmful, and it's ANNOYING.

Thank you humbly to God for directing my steps in creating this post, and my sincerest apologies to Him for the amount of emotional impulsivity in my words. I am only a dim mirror.

Monday, July 15, 2024

The Attempted Trump Assassination

It probably goes without saying, but I wholeheartedly condemn the shooting.

If anyone hasn't heard yet, [click here]. I don't like Donald Trump. I severely dislike him as a person and disapprove of nearly every action he's ever done. But attempting to kill him is not the answer, and it's not the answer to most problems we face in this world. We are not to seek the deaths of others - the Bible states clearly that committing murder is a sin. It's not like I'm unsympathetic to the desperation that these gunmen face. You see a problem in the world. You try to solve it, and it feels like the only solution left is to take extreme measures like murder. However, it's imperative to understand that these are just feelings, emotions. They're not based in factual logic. It's not possible for the human imagination to exhaust all possibilities to solve a problem. This is one reason we must rely on God; He is perfect in His judgments and is all-knowing, and can weigh all situations objectively. Also, emotions do not justify the majority of wrongdoing. "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." Reasons and excuses are not the same thing; having a reason to do something wrong doesn't excuse the wrong, especially when considering we live in a universe ruled by an omniscient deity who actively offers His guidance to us.

It doesn't matter that it was a controversial figure. It doesn't justify an attempted homicide. If this had been Joe Biden; if this had been a beloved actor/actress; if this had been a random passerby on the street; it would be equally damnable. Despite my extreme opposition to what Trump stands for, I will pray for a speedy recovery for him, as this is something that shouldn't have happened to him. We are all entitled to live our life as long as God has apportioned it, to make our choices and live accordingly. To take a life is to end someone's life outside of what God has apportioned. I firmly believe Trump is a heretic and is living a life that will lead him to Hell, and I would assume someone who hates him enough to shoot him believes similarly. If anything, this is all the more reason not to shoot him, because if the shooter had succeeded, he would be sent to Hell prematurely. As long as a heretic lives, there is time left for them to see the error of their ways and to repent unto Christ. To shoot them is to take God's justice into one's own hands, and to deprive that person of thousands, if not millions of chances to turn away from their wicked path.

Perhaps the most convincing evidence of all this comes in the fact that the shooter missed, and killed a random attendee of the rally. This is the end to the path of murder: innocents will inevitably suffer for it somehow. Occurrences don't happen in a bubble; they have a ripple effect and carry across the world. The family and friends of an innocent person will be grieving, and their loved ones alongside them. Tragedy is spreading because of this act. And this only comes from a failed assassination attempt. One that failed so hard, some seem to consider it a joke. A shot to the ear? It's ridiculous. Yet think about this: Tragedy has manifested from this failure. How much more would the tragedy be magnified if it had succeeded?

In the end, this was a shortsighted, ignorant act, the adult equivalent of a baby throwing a temper tantrum and throwing things around a room. It's an immature, emotionally-guided pseudo-solution that was doomed to fail from the start. It lacks the excuse of one being an infant who doesn't know better, and thus deserves nothing but scorn. Again, it doesn't matter that this was a "Republican", or a "presidential candidate", or "a one-percenter", or any other trait or demographic that pertains to Donald Trump. None of those things are what make this shooting wrong - what makes the shooting wrong is the fact that it was a shooting. It should never have happened to anybody, no matter who they are. Remember that Christ had nearly, if not all of the same power on earth that He has in Heaven. He could have, Himself, slain every single unrepentant sinner in less than a second. A righteous [god] and the measuring stick for morality, He instead taught [the parable of the weeds] and and [Matthew 5:45], and never killed a single person, even during His crucifixion. This shooting violates all of this, and deserves our condemnation.

May God bless you all and guide you according to His gracious will. In Jesus' name. Amen. Thank you to God for helping me to write this.

Saturday, May 4, 2024


If you're antisemitic, you're not a Christian. Even though you claim otherwise, your heart shows you're less of a Christian than even Joel Osteen or Creflo Dollar. They would at least welcome Jesus to the table; you would drop a bomb on Him and His family and His disciples for being born in a country you don't like. Feel free to convert, repent, and accept God who chose to send the Messiah (John 10:30) to an Israeli family. If you're not interested in that, feel free to burn alive in a scorching pit of sulfur for the rest of eternity (unending) (infinite) (and that's just the beginning) as the host of heaven celebrates God for righteously judging you unworthy of anything better, and removing you from their presence. Such is the worth of antisemitism and you, its follower, in the eyes of the righteous God you claim to love with your words, but secretly hate with your heart. It's not too late to change.

Friday, March 22, 2024


If Christianity were about "control", why is the core message to accept God (God, Christ, Holy Spirit)? Why wouldn't the core message be something like, "Give us money", or "Worship us instead of God", or literally anything that a human wanting control over others would realistically want? Why would these control-seeking maniacs allow text showing Jesus flipping tables and driving out money changers? It's almost like... Christianity isn't a system of control at all?!

Friday, February 2, 2024

Palestine? Israel?

Palestine's god is Muhammad, and Israel's god is the Law. Palestine and Israel will both join each other in being thrown into merciless, eternal hellfire. Neither side is innocent. All land is God's, apportioned to us out of His mercy. Neither side deserves the land. And neither side will ever inherit that land, because in 50 or so years, every single person currently fighting for it will die, and thus leave planet earth forever.

Upon doing this, they will all uniformly be found guilty of thousands and thousands of sins throughout their lives, never cleansed by Christ. After all, if you lack Christ and only have the Law, as the Muslims and Jews do, your salvation is your own problem to work out. Do you believe that murdering innocent civilians over a piece of land will be acceptable in the eyes of God? Do you believe He'll look at soldiers spilling their blood in the name of pride and greed, and then say to those soldiers, "What a great work you've done! Not only have you done a great deed in massacring civilians, but it outweighs all the sins you've committed! Enter into glory, My wonderful child!"? No, He will see these murderers as the filthy, bloodthirsty worms they are.

They will then be thrown into hell, farther and farther away from the land they both slayed their fellow man for. Their fellow man -- the other side -- will be right beside them, burning just the same. Neither rewarded, both punished. The land will go on without either of them, until judgment day comes, and the old earth is eliminated altogether. Then the new heaven and new earth will be instituted, per Revelation.

In eternity, both sides will be burning alive for their pride and murder, and the land they so desperately seek will be destroyed by the true God, whom they both reject.

This war is futile and anyone who takes sides in it, takes sides with the antichrist.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Christian pamphlets, etc. Part 3

I've acquired a fair bit of Christian reading - things like small booklets, cards, etc. and God told me that it'd be a good idea to share it all here. It's been far too long since He told me that; I've been procrastinating, as I'm prone to do... Better is late than never, but still. If images are too small to read, click on them (or right-click, then "Open in New Tab/Window/etc") for larger res.

6) Books of the Bible card

7) Easter Blessings card, Hallmark
(The personalized writing in it was edited out, of course.)
You can't really see it in the scan, but the front picture actually has a really neat metallic shine to it.

8) "2018 Advent Calendar for teens & young adults"
The calendar itself is obviously obsolete, but the lessons are immortal.
9) Easter Card, homemade

10) 2017 Lenten Calendar for Teens - The See-Son of Lent
Again: The calendar itself is obviously obsolete, but the lessons are immortal.
It's two scans put together, hence the cutoff in the middle.
The end of the 18th reads, ". . . notice everything that you have given me?"