Thursday, May 25, 2023

Artwork I Probably Won't Use PART 2

I have a bunch of ideas floating around at any given time, but some of them just don't work for various reasons. I have a bunch of cover art ideas sitting in my folders. Here are some that I won't use. As much as I'd like to give timeframes for these, I sadly don't know when most of them are from; the dates in the file data were reset because of computer problems I had some time ago. But they are all Christian. CLICK IMAGES TO VIEW FULL SIZE. The images are all (C) Nocturnal Iridescence, and may not be used without permission from me.

Left: VESELHUD. The name doesn't mean anything. It may have been a situation where I saw letters in a word search puzzle or something random like that, and thought it'd make a cool band name. Either way, it was going to be some kind of black metal but it never happened. It's mostly from the "Rothenburg Decorative" font and I think the cross in the middle is from one of the "Fire of Ysgard" fonts.

Right: I was going to use this for Look Above You at the Sky. I technically did use it as a cover photo, back when that project had a Facebook page. The project itself is still active, but I won't be using this artwork.

Left: VIUWM. Another thing where I sketched something, then tried to make out letters. This was going to be symphonic black metal. I plan to take the ideas to another project.

Right: Space-themed cover art I never finished.

Left: SOLITARY WIND. A project I never really started. Also, too small to use as cover art. Might reuse the idea someday. Like others mentioned though, if I do, it'll probably be for an established project, not a new one.

Right: Cover idea I apparently started on but never finished.

Left: RISEN. Project I never started.
Right: Cover art idea I never used.

Left: "JESUS". This is interesting because it was apparently made 27 May 2013, the time when I was taking Christianity more seriously, but had yet to actually.... convert, so to speak. The idea of this was to make a band with the name Jesus so nobody else could take it and misuse the name. ........ Unsurprisingly, the band name was taken, lol. To say nothing of the fact that my beliefs weren't even properly Christian at that time, so I would have, even if unintentionally, been misusing the name myself.

Right: OV SUBTERRANEA. (Un)black metal project I never started. Other than the name, all elements of this were adapted from a certain classical painting. Unfortunately, I can't remember what the painting was. All I remember is what you see here - it had branches, and a wolf. If anyone recognizes it, please let me know so I can give credit! (Even if it's public domain, I still find credit important...)

I made the first version and liked it (left), but it was too small so I wanted a bigger version (right). Still didn't end up using it though. I think it was going to be used for Look Above You at the Sky.

A project I had the idea for but never finished. The artworks on the left are from photographs I found on Google Images. I made the picture on the right myself.

Band name: Nuclear War
(planned genre: Black/Thrash Metal)
Album: It Ends Here
(label - Annihilated Pentagram Productions - unreleased)

1) Dies...
2) Burn Their Asherah Poles
3) Rev 20:10
4) Rev 20:14
5) Mat 24:35
6) ... Irae
7) Rev 21:4

All artworks I like in theory, but are too small to really be used as cover artwork.

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