Sunday, May 31, 2020


Contrary to popular opinion, Christianity isn't just a "religion". It's a relationship with a real, living, supernatural, spiritual being. Of course the difference is that God (called YHWH, Yahwheh, etc) is righteous and just, while every other spiritual force in Creation is inherently flawed ("only God is good", etc) and likely malevolent and misleading (see every non-Christian experience I've ever had, every account of ex-Satanists and ex-Luciferians, etc).

Christianity has "experiences" just like any other spiritual path. We have to be discerning, because the devil will try to mislead people who delve too far into "ExPeRiEnCeS", and the Bible even shows how the devil will do that in the future when the events of Revelation take place - bringing fire down from heaven, etc. We should always rely on God's promises more than outward miracles. The point stands, however, that God is capable of great things that neither we, nor science, can explain.

The other night, I was working on some album artwork and I was unsure about it. As with all music and art I do, the intent was to glorify God, but the subject just seemed... a bit "off the mark". Very paranormal, might have confused some people. Suddenly my mom, in the next room, told me she was feeling dizzy. I've been through things like this enough times that I immediately connected it to the artwork. I didn't want to delete it if I was wrong and God did want me to use it, so I basically prayed, "God, if You want me to delete this, just let me know. Let my mom feel better, and I'll know I should delete it." (Keep in mind the context here - this is NOT a case of, "If God does a good thing, I'll obey Him.") A couple minutes later I asked her, and she was feeling better again. That was the sign I needed! I deleted the artwork and she's been fine ever since.

This also reminds me of August-September 2014 when I prayed for wisdom about my old beliefs. A couple weeks later, not even searching for answers, I was given the wisdom I needed anyway. While I wasn't looking (so to speak), God was teaching me.

And around the same time when I was learning to reject things like "magick" and learning to embrace God as a source of power instead of my own intent. It started raining and I was planning to use "intent/power" to stop the rain (I now understand that magickal intent is a demonic trick, basically "smoke and mirrors", not an actual "power" that humans can harness) but decided to pray instead, and God stopped the rain for me. I also understand now that God doesn't just grant whatever we ask, but that small gesture was very important in developing my faith.

Not to mention all the other guidance that God gave me from around 2012-2014 as I learned to radically shift my worldview.

Originally I was going to post the above on a forum, but God directed me to post it here instead. May God bless you all and guide you according to His perfect will! In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Be Free or Don't Be!

As the coronavirus pandemic goes on, people are starting to talk about how they "need to get back to work". People are expressing concerns about how the stock market going down.

What if you didn't need to go back to work? What if you didn't have to care about the stock market? You don't! At this very moment, you could be free from the economy and the stock market.

The coronavirus has put us in a position where we're temporarily separated from the daily rat races we live in and race around each day. This, now, is our chance to make it permanent. To be free from the shackles that the government puts on us. They hold money in front of our faces as bait, telling us we need to jump, roll over, play dead, etc to earn that money, and then they drip feed it to us. Just enough that we become complacent with where we are. But the simple fact is, money is inherently meaningless.

No insect will care if the economy collapses.
No tree, grass, or flower will care if the economy collapses.
No bear, wolf, deer, lizard, ram, camel, ... will care if the economy collapses.
No indigenous tribe will care if the economy collapses.
Only certain humans will care if the economy collapses.

This is because the economy is an imaginary thing that has no corporeal or incorporeal effect on anything. It's the trading of money. Money is an object. It's the trading of objects. Nothing will happen if objects stop being traded. The world will go on. Life will still exist. There will still be days and nights. There will still be food. It's just that meaningless objects won't be traded anymore. Is it "more complicated" than that? Technically yes, but not by much!

Every species on earth has lived for how many years, without money, including human beings. It's just that many of us are so fully indoctrinated into this society, we can't see beyond it. But there is life beyond it. We just have to see it and find it.

Don't beg to go back to work. You hated your job when you were there. You'll hate it when you go back. You don't want that job. You willingly placed your entire life in the government's shackles, not for "a job", but for money. You want the money from that job. But money is meaningless. Everything you want will still exist without money. Food literally grows on trees! Will it be difficult to restructure civilization to exist without money? Yes, but this is our chance to do it. What will be the replacement and incentive to continue making whatever man-made inventions you want? Perhaps a bartering system? This is what I don't know. Society is utterly foreign to me. I don't know what the rest of you want to put in place. BUT THIS IS OUR CHANCE TO REMOVE THE CURRENT SYSTEM AND THE SHACKLES IT PLACES ON YOU, AND REPLACE IT WITH SOMETHING ELSE, WHATEVER IT'S DECIDED THAT NEW THING WILL BE!

And I want to stress: I do not advocate for the mark of the beast. First, Satanism/Luciferianism is inherently flawed. (For example: They encourage breaking the ten commandments, and since "thou shalt not commit murder" is a commandment, well...... Also, think about this: if "evil" were "good" as the devil claims, wouldn't the ultimate act of "evil" be to go against the kingdom of Satan and embrace justice and holiness, hence still making God the proper deity of worship?) Second, the mark of the beast will simply be a stamp of approval to buy or sell. As far as I personally know, it doesn't mean you'll be able to just get anything for free if you have the mark! Third, every point I made before this remains: EVERY SPECIES IN HISTORY HAS LIVED WITHOUT THE MARK OF THE BEAST. WE CAN DO THE SAME! There's more to life than the very black-and-white view of MONEY or MARK. There have been other systems all throughout human history, and even more throughout the history of all living things.

Every living being throughout history -- including tons and tons and tons of your own ancestors -- have lived without a proper "economy".

What's stopping you from doing the same, other than your fear of letting go of your shackles?

Hail Christ!
Hail the God of 1 Samuel 8:6-7!

May God bless you all and guide you according to His perfect will! In Jesus' name. Amen.