Friday, December 22, 2023

Christian pamphlets, etc. Part 2

I've acquired a fair bit of Christian reading - things like small booklets, cards, etc. and God told me that it'd be a good idea to share it all here. It's been far too long since He told me that; I've been procrastinating, as I'm prone to do... Better is late than never, but still. If images are too small to read, click on them (or right-click, then "Open in New Tab/Window/etc") for larger res.

Both of these have front/back sides, so rather than the order they're literally printed in, I've arranged them in the order they're meant to be read in.

 3) Do You Know??


4) I'm All Set

Panels 1-3

Panels 4-6
5) Amazing Grace - A True Story
 The actual tract is in much higher quality than this; it looks a bit rough because of my scanner.

 Panels 1-2
Panels 3-4
Panels 5-6
Name of the church blacked out for privacy reasons

Christian pamphlets, etc.

I've acquired a fair bit of Christian reading - things like small booklets, cards, etc. and God told me that it'd be a good idea to share it all here. It's been far too long since He told me that; I've been procrastinating, as I'm prone to do... Better is late than never, but still. Anyway, we're going to start with two very small things today. More will be posted over time. If images are too small to read, click on them (or right-click, then "Open in New Tab/Window/etc") for larger res.

1) The Jelly Bean Prayer

2) Metal bookmark

Monday, December 18, 2023


The secular world can say whatever it wants about Christianity, and about Christians. It can slander us, burn our churches, persecute us, ... But whenever any Christian shows any hint of displeasure at all, this is met with hostility. The Christian is "bad" and needs to "be a good Christian". The hypocrisy has always annoyed me, and it hasn't stopped. Fools! You are exactly the same as us. You are humans just like us. You are sinners just like us. You have moments of "good intentions but messing up" just like us. Every single thing you criticize us for doing, you also do. You get angry. You make mistakes. You contradict your own philosophies and beliefs. If you can honestly say that you don't do any of those things, that doesn't mean your hands are actually clean. It simply means you lack the self-awareness to see yourself objectively. Pride covers your eyes and clouds your judgment. The only thing that separates a Christian from you is that a Christian can find true forgiveness from Christ. You do not have His forgiveness because you don't even ask for His forgiveness. In all other ways, we are identical. You are not better than us. If you ever truly reflected on yourself, you would see it and stop seeing us as a joke to pick fun at in your media.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Idea, inspired by God (19 April)

When you see a "creature comfort" that you really want, but don't need / won't edify you, look at the price.
Put the money aside, but instead of buying the unnecessary thing, give that amount to the poor / a food bank / etc.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Painting "Anti-Canvas" Artwork Using a Canvas

God created everything.

If you follow the logic of this statement, you'll realize that those who choose to rebel against God are living in God's world. Through His laws of physics. In His creation.

Thus, evil has nothing original to bring to the table.

It is impossible to conjure, summon, channel, (etc) anything that can be weaponized against God, because evil itself relies on God-created tools in God's world, no different than a child stealing daddy's toolbox. All evil can do is dream up a perversion of God's creation; it cannot create something new altogether. Since it happens within the scope of reality (created by God), there will always be a speck of God's truth and wisdom, even in pagan works, occult works, luciferian works, and anything else, no matter how much they try to work against Him. This is because it is impossible to separate reality from God. Since God and His creation encompass literally all things, it is impossible to create something perceivable to even the highest transcendent that fully lacks "God". In creating a perversion of something, a certain amount of that "something" is still there. It's basing ones works on something else; how can that "something else" be avoided? Since EVERYTHING is based on God's works, it's impossible to avoid basing other works on them. The mission fails from the outset.

In case this is a little abstract, let's take an example. Wiccans adore nature. Nature is indeed very beautiful, and is good. However, nature is only good because God created it (Gen 1:31). Also, nature is a reflection of, and arrow pointing to, God (Luke 19:40, Romans 1:20). Nature will always serve this purpose no matter what Wiccans teach; I have seen many times how, for example, God will send instructions to me through animals nudging me in a certain direction. Or send inspiration through a beautiful sky. I admittedly don't have concrete proof of this phenomenon happening, but I can tell you with certainty that it happens, and it always ultimately points back to a worldview that matches Christian teaching, not the teachings of any other path. In rejecting Christianity, Wiccans do not avoid God. They reject God, sure, but they do not avoid Him. They merely worship a sign pointing back to Christianity. So it is with all the other things, too. No matter how esoteric you try to get, a sliver of God's truth, which inevitably goes against your teachings, will seep through.

PS - If anyone's confused -
This is not to be mistaken for things like pantheism or universalism. The fact that godly truth is present in these things serves the purpose of a road sign, or a map. It's just like the angels who refuse our worship. They do God's work and point us in the direction of His righteousness, but they are not to be worshiped. Likewise, the discovery of this inevitability, that God's fingerprint is on all things, is a sign pointing us toward Him, but if we don't follow the signs, we remain lost. If you're lost, and you see your destination in the distance, and you walk away from your destination for some reason, you obviously remain lost. So God points us in the right direction, but we must follow it, or we remain under (justifiable) condemnation. It's not enough to merely exist in a world created by God; we must accept God's role in it, and the only way to accept it is to accept Christ (fulfillment of the law and prophecies).

Friday, August 18, 2023


Atheists criticize James 4:1-2,
"What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is the source not your pleasures that wage war in your body’s parts? You lust and do not have, so you commit murder."

... yet can plainly see how spaying/neutering a pet can relax them and make them less hostile.


God's holy Word:
"So if what I eat causes another believer to sin, I will never eat meat again as long as I live—for I don’t want to cause another believer to stumble." - 1 Corinthians 8:13

Modern 'Christians':

Maybe, just maybe, it's time to reevaluate ourselves?

Friday, July 14, 2023

Dr. Marty - Misinformation, Clickbait, Dangerous

 Dr. Marty sells pet food. He doesn't want to stop there, though. He also wants to post fraudulent ads online with extremely misleading and dangerous information, and pass it off to readers as "important things" from "top veterinarians".

"If your Dog Eats Dry Food, Do This"
"Top Vet reveals the most important thing you can do for your dog."

You should never fill your dog's bowl with milk. One simple google search reveals [this] from the American Kennel Club, which explains that dairy is safe for most dogs in small doses on special occasions. Some dogs are entirely lactose intolerant and shouldn't have dairy at all. "Doctor" Marty is pouring a whole morning breakfast here. He just can't bring himself to stop there, though. He goes on to call this the "most important thing" one can do for one's dog, claiming the advice comes from a "top vet". This is not true at all! It's important to mention that when clicking on these ads, they often point to something completely different than what's in the picture. However this doesn't exonerate him - he's still clearly putting the suggestion out there.

"Top veterinarian reveals the most important thing you can do for your dog."

This one comes to us courtesy of his Twitter page. See [here] for the original, or [an archived version] in case he tries to hide the evidence. We have a photo of someone putting whipped cream on dog food. Whether whipped cream is safe for dogs depends on a lot of factors such as your dog's diet/health, risks, the ingredients in the whipped cream, and more. Also, whipped cream typically has dairy, so the same risks as with the "dog food cereal" above should be taken into consideration here, too. Again, he positions this as "the most important thing" one can do for one's dog. The page goes to something else again, but there's an obvious photo of someone putting dairy on dog food, with the instruction of "do this". Someone [commented] that they tried this and it made their dogs sick. Unsurprising! And "Doctor" Marty has nothing to say for himself.

"This dog behavior isn't 'normal'. Dogs often hide signs of illness. Look for these clues instead. 1 Dog Behavior To Never Ignore" [twitter] [archive]

The reasons dogs roll onto their backs are plenty. Playing, showing trust, asking for belly rubs, scratching their backs, self-defense, and more. It is a completely normal behavior that virtually all able-bodied dogs do regularly. "Doctor" Marty is using scare tactics here by implying that a healthy behavior any dog owner will see daily has actually been an abnormal sign of illness all along.

"How Dogs Cry For Help: 3 Warning Signs Your Dogs Is Crying For Help"

Yes, the "doctor" actually wrote "your dogs is". Anyway, same scare tactics. The dog is clearly just relaxing/sleeping, but he's positioning it as a "cry for help". This doesn't even really need an explanation; it's pretty self-explanatory. "Doctor" Marty doesn't want to let sleeping dogs lie -- only "Dr." Marty is allowed to lie!!!

"If Your Dog Licks His Feet He's In Danger"

In our last example for right now, he pulls the same scare tactics a third time. The very first sentence of [this AKC article] confirms that dogs licking their paws is typically fine and normal. No further explanation needed. There are exceptions, and it is worth reading the whole article to look into them, but "Doctor" Marty doesn't position this as "exceptions" or "certain cases". He just says, with little punctuation and seemingly no sense of subtlety in the most alarmist way possible, that dogs licking paws is a sign of danger.

It doesn't stop here. The ads persist, and have for years now. When is it finally enough? When will someone hold this reckless "doctor" accountable for the dangerous misinformation he's spreading?

Thursday, June 22, 2023

John 8

1 Jesus went unto the login page of Discord.

2 And early in the morning he came again into the server, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.

3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman posting memes in #general; and when they had set her in the midst,

4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was posting memes in #general, in the very act.

5 Now Xx🎮NoScope360🦋xX in the #rules commanded us, that such should be banned: but what sayest thou?

6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to kick him. But Jesus sat down, and with his finger typed on the keyboard, as though he heard them not.

7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a ban at her.

8 And again he sat down, and wrote on the keyboard.

9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman idling in the server.

10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man banned thee?

11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I ban thee: go, and sin no more.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Artwork I Probably Won't Use PART 4

I have a bunch of ideas floating around at any given time, but some of them just don't work for various reasons. I have a bunch of cover art ideas sitting in my folders. Here are some that I won't use. As much as I'd like to give timeframes for these, I sadly don't know when most of them are from; the dates in the file data were reset because of computer problems I had some time ago. But they are all Christian. CLICK IMAGES TO VIEW FULL SIZE. The images are all (C) Nocturnal Iridescence unless stated otherwise, and may not be used without permission from me.

They're all labeled "space". Not sure what I was going to use them for. All too small.
I briefly considered making Sword of His Mouth a drone metal project. The left image would have been the logo. (It's just the text "Sword of His Mouth" mirrored several times with some filters.) The right image is a rough draft of cover art. The text is "YAHWEH" in Hebrew. I might reuse these ideas but for the drone metal project I now have, gkrilot (thwaettr).

Not sure what I would have used these for. Too small for cover art.
Also too small for cover art.

So, So Cold was a very short-lived project I never started. Apparently I had an idea for a song called "Dark"? I don't remember. If you're wondering, the logo on the right of that top image is an unused logo idea I had for Vibrant Life.

Too small to be used for cover art. Might still find a use for them, though...

Same story as the previous 4.
Schildkrötenweg - Turtles Awaaaaaaay!
This was never a serious thing, just an inside joke with a friend.
I still remember you Cristina, and remember fondly the friendship we had. I wonder if you'll ever see this.

Northernhoarfrost Everlasting was a short-lived project idea I had in February 2023. I'm just going to take the ideas I had for it, over to Coldrealm. The cover art is taken from [here]. Note that these last 3 pictures are very large (over 3000 px) and may lag slower devices.

Artwork I Probably Won't Use PART 3

I have a bunch of ideas floating around at any given time, but some of them just don't work for various reasons. I have a bunch of cover art ideas sitting in my folders. Here are some that I won't use. As much as I'd like to give timeframes for these, I sadly don't know when most of them are from; the dates in the file data were reset because of computer problems I had some time ago. But they are all Christian. CLICK IMAGES TO VIEW FULL SIZE. The images are all (C) Nocturnal Iridescence unless stated otherwise, and may not be used without permission from me.

Stuff I was going to use for an EP. Too small though. If I ever use anything like these pictures (which I'd love to), I'd have to make new versions.

Logo ideas (made mostly from fonts). The left one is "Legend" (symphonic black), and the right one is "Pleasant" (depressive black). Both names were already taken.


Ideas for "Haunt". It was going to be an anti-occult project. The name was already taken. I'll probably still do something with the ideas, just with a different name. The cover art is mostly adapted from "Cross and Church in the Mountains" by Caspar David Friedrich which is public domain. But if I remember right, I took the grim reaper from some random thing on google images (and added the cross to it) since this was just a private draft, and planned to make an alternate version with original or public domain material before release.

Unused artwork for Look Above You at the Sky. Too small. If I ever used something like this (which I very well might!), I'd have to make a new version.
Sanctuarium. The name was already taken. It lasted surprisingly long considering I never recorded a single song for it, lol. It was going to be funeral doom, but...... while "melancholic", it was meant to be more "hopeful" than most of that music. Obviously I don't own the My Little Pony screenshot.

I only ever ended up doing one MLP song under Look Above You at the Sky, but I had intended to do more. These were cover ideas I had. Obviously I don't own the source material. Nothing was ever even formally written for these. In order, they're:
1) Why Must You Hurt Me in This Way Dashie
2) Fluttershy Hides Behind a Potato Chip While Applejack Ain't Lion About This Tea Party
3) Wow Rainbow Dash Are You Serious Right Now like Wow
4) Lunacy?!

Left: This project currently goes by http. At the time it was called p...
The song was going to be called "chkdsk". It was going to be some kind of electronic noisy black metal...... something or other. I'll probably still use the idea someday, just in a different way.

Right: The aforementioned http. This is all actually made from my own photo resources, other than the couple, who are [adapted from this public-domain picture]. I still like this. I just don't see myself using it.

Left: I ended up using [different artwork] for this. I will most likely reuse a lot of ideas from this. I like it a lot!...... but I'd basically have to remake them. This version is too small. All artwork in this version was drawn by me.

Right: "Unblack & Associates, Inc." -- an early version of what would become Unblack 98, lol. Unused of course. This was just a draft. And as such, it uses artwork from somewhere else. Unfortunately, I don't remember where I got the photograph from... A quick google search tells me it's copyrighted to "" but I'm not sure.

I was going to use this for Look Above You at the Sky, but I don't remember how. Possibly for Facebook? The filename "water" comes from the transparent glass-like effect, similar to water.