Wednesday, September 19, 2018


This is the 2nd verse of Verdelger's "The Shimmering of the Last Days":

I remember 19 years ago
Jesus came to planet earth
He took His children
And we are left behind

The song is about the last days. When the world is ending, and there's so much misery and pain under the rule of evil. Now, I can't pretend for a second to understand the "pre-tribulation rapture" vs "post-tribulation" debates (and so on) and I'm not going to get into that. I just want to make a general point. Their demo that featured this song was released in 2002.

As I write this, 2002 was 16 years ago. Somebody who was born in 2002 will be old enough to drive this year. Keeping in mind, 2002 is the year after 9/11 happened.

And yet, from 2002, it would take another three years to reach 19 years. So picture whatever was happening in your life in 2002, and then picture everything that's happened until right now.

Now picture anything good that happened during that time, being gone, and having to live it all over again.

And then picture an additional three years added on.

19 years is a long time. How much longer will eternity be?

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