Monday, December 18, 2023


The secular world can say whatever it wants about Christianity, and about Christians. It can slander us, burn our churches, persecute us, ... But whenever any Christian shows any hint of displeasure at all, this is met with hostility. The Christian is "bad" and needs to "be a good Christian". The hypocrisy has always annoyed me, and it hasn't stopped. Fools! You are exactly the same as us. You are humans just like us. You are sinners just like us. You have moments of "good intentions but messing up" just like us. Every single thing you criticize us for doing, you also do. You get angry. You make mistakes. You contradict your own philosophies and beliefs. If you can honestly say that you don't do any of those things, that doesn't mean your hands are actually clean. It simply means you lack the self-awareness to see yourself objectively. Pride covers your eyes and clouds your judgment. The only thing that separates a Christian from you is that a Christian can find true forgiveness from Christ. You do not have His forgiveness because you don't even ask for His forgiveness. In all other ways, we are identical. You are not better than us. If you ever truly reflected on yourself, you would see it and stop seeing us as a joke to pick fun at in your media.

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