Thursday, August 8, 2019


Don't just be anti-antichristian. That is to say, don't just be against Satan. There are many pagans, atheists, even occultists who are "against" Satan and several of his teachings (other theological inconsistencies aside). For example, a wiccan who worships "mother earth" will be against satanic/luciferian religions, because they direct worship to something other than nature.

... But "being against Satanism" is not enough to get these people into Heaven, to save them. Rather, it will be LOVE for Jesus Christ.

By all means, stand against Satanism / Luciferianism / etc. These belief systems are deceitful, false, lying filth, and they deserve to be called out for the spiritual garbage they are. However, don't let your anger toward evil, get in the way of your devotion to good. Let's take a non-spiritual example: it's good to protest when the government does something bad, but it's also good to be charitable -- try to help those in need, who are less fortunate than you. In the same way, it's good to be against spiritual evil, but it's also good to learn from, and give due worship to, God -- learn patience from Him; learn His scriptures; accept salvation through Jesus Christ; learn what "salvation" really means, and why it's important for your growth. As much as you pray for change in the evil things in this world, ALSO pray to God with your gratitude, your happiness, etc.

It can be difficult to strike a healthy balance between these two things, but it's important. "Wrath" is considered a sin for a good reason, after all! Not practiced VERY carefully, it's easy for anger to hinder your progress, instead of helping you achieve positive change in life.

May God bless you all and guide you according to His perfect will! In Jesus' name. Amen.

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