Friday, December 4, 2020

Satanic lyrics with Biblical citations

In the interest of evangelism, I took lyrics from secular black metal band 1349 and added Biblical citations next to each line, to sort of help illustrate a message I've been trying to convey to the secular scene for a long time: Their aims and interests are NOT so different from ours. They think we are polar opposites, but in reality, many of the wishes and interests placed in their hearts were placed there as creations of God, not as creations fallen away from God. I may do more of these depending on interest and conviction... One note however: The KJV translates Isaiah 45:7 as "I create evil". This is based on outdated English. In modern English, God does not create "evil". God creates trials - hardship, natural calamities, etc.


Do you hear them calling from beyond? (Hebrews 3:15, Psalm 95 7:-8)

As a foulness ye shall know them (1 Corinthians 9:21-22)
As a foulness thou shall knowest thyself (Ephesians 4:22, Colossians 3:8-9)

Freed from the shackles of morality (1 Corinthians 10:23)
And no longer is the need for science (Psalm 14:1)
Through the wakening of the beast within (Revelation 5:5)

Oh did you not rejoice? When you felt the power, the power in your mind (Luke 10:19)
No longer confined to nocturnal solitude (John 10:8-10)

Walk among the herds, mold them as you wish (Mark 16:15, Isaiah 48:10)
In images of unearthly bizarrerie (Genesis 1:26)

Do you hear them calling from beyond? (Hebrews 3:15, Psalm 95 7:-8)

Sculptor of flesh (Isaiah 45:9)
Architect of abomination (Isaiah 45:7)
Mold the living flesh like clay (John 15:2)

Sculptor of flesh, warp the world to your liking (Genesis 1:2-3)

And then the sun will set and no new day will rise on humanity (Acts 2:20)

Will you grieve for them? (Revelation 6:10)

Will the lack of their bleating cacophony strike a note within? (Matthew 6:7)

Rejoice (Psalm 95:1), destroyer, anti-christ, for your deed was long overdue... (Revelation 20:9-10)

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