Monday, May 29, 2023

Artwork I Probably Won't Use PART 4

I have a bunch of ideas floating around at any given time, but some of them just don't work for various reasons. I have a bunch of cover art ideas sitting in my folders. Here are some that I won't use. As much as I'd like to give timeframes for these, I sadly don't know when most of them are from; the dates in the file data were reset because of computer problems I had some time ago. But they are all Christian. CLICK IMAGES TO VIEW FULL SIZE. The images are all (C) Nocturnal Iridescence unless stated otherwise, and may not be used without permission from me.

They're all labeled "space". Not sure what I was going to use them for. All too small.
I briefly considered making Sword of His Mouth a drone metal project. The left image would have been the logo. (It's just the text "Sword of His Mouth" mirrored several times with some filters.) The right image is a rough draft of cover art. The text is "YAHWEH" in Hebrew. I might reuse these ideas but for the drone metal project I now have, gkrilot (thwaettr).

Not sure what I would have used these for. Too small for cover art.
Also too small for cover art.

So, So Cold was a very short-lived project I never started. Apparently I had an idea for a song called "Dark"? I don't remember. If you're wondering, the logo on the right of that top image is an unused logo idea I had for Vibrant Life.

Too small to be used for cover art. Might still find a use for them, though...

Same story as the previous 4.
Schildkrötenweg - Turtles Awaaaaaaay!
This was never a serious thing, just an inside joke with a friend.
I still remember you Cristina, and remember fondly the friendship we had. I wonder if you'll ever see this.

Northernhoarfrost Everlasting was a short-lived project idea I had in February 2023. I'm just going to take the ideas I had for it, over to Coldrealm. The cover art is taken from [here]. Note that these last 3 pictures are very large (over 3000 px) and may lag slower devices.


  1. Love the sparkly theme of the first ones but it is all very pretty!!
